Home » Everything to Know About Different Types of Screws

Everything to Know About Different Types of Screws

Types of screws | Bhavya Industries - Fasteners Trader in Ludhiana

Screws are versatile and essential tools in any toolbox, and different sectors require different screw types. Understanding the different types of screws and their uses is paramount to ensuring that you have the right tool for the job.

Different Types of Screws

Sheet Metal Screws

These screws have a sharp point and a tapered shape, making it easy to pierce and grip the metal sheet. They are also commonly used for attaching metal hardware to wood.

Machine Screws

These screws have a cylindrical shaft and a blunt end, making them ideal for use in machinery and electronics. Pairing them with a nut gives the screws added stability.

Wood Screws

Wood screws can easily pierce and grip the wood with their tapered shape and sharp point. They also have a large, flat head that helps distribute the pressure of the screw and prevent the wood from splitting.

Self-Tapping Screws

Self-tapping screws are ideal for materials that are not pre-threaded since they create their threads when screwed in. Metal, plastic, and composite materials are common applications of self-tapping screws.

Lag Screws

Lag screws are large, heavy-duty screws ideal for attaching heavy pieces of metal or wood. Their square or hexagonal head makes them the perfect choice for the construction and carpentry industry.

Hex Head Cap Screws

These screws have a hexagonal head and are particularly used in agriculture machinery, electronics, and construction. Just like machine screws, they get added stability with nuts. Contact Bhavya Industries for high-quality Hex Head Cap screw needs.

Drywall Screws

The chief function of drywall screws is to attach drywall to wood or metal studs. They have a sharp point and a coarse thread that allows them to grip both the drywall and the studs securely.

Concrete Screws

As the name suggests, concrete screws are an ideal option for products made of concrete, brick, or masonry. They have a particular thread that allows them to grip the hard surface securely.

Points to Remember

When using screws, it is predominant to use the correct size and type of screw for the job. Using the wrong type of screw can lead to poor grip and potential damage to the materials being used.

It is also crucial to pre-drill holes if necessary, as this can help prevent the material from splitting or cracking. Always use the appropriate safety equipment, such as eye protection, when working with screws.


In conclusion, screws, along with the best quality nuts and bolts, help to stabilise the structure and give a perfect finish. If you are looking for the best quality fasteners for your industry, Bhavya Industries is at your service. For the past 25 years, we have provided fastener solutions to multiple industries. Our customer testimonials attest to the high quality of our services across India. In addition, we have relationships with fastener manufacturers and suppliers in the United Kingdom and other European countries.

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